export salt to iraq

Export from Garmsar salt factory to Iraq, salt supplier, salt exporter, Iran salt factory, manufacturer of industrial salt and refined iodine salt.

Export from the Garmsar salt factory to Iraq, Armenia and Georgia, refined edible salt with certification, granulated salt in sugar, shell and powder sizes, contact the factory for the price of salt.

Garmsar Salt Factory products

Garmsar Salt Factory is known as one of the largest producers of rock salt in Iran and even the Middle East, which has been able to extract and process all types of rock salt using the best and most advanced devices in the world. Due to the fact that Garmsar is known as one of the poles of salt rock in Iran and even the world, all kinds of rock salt can be found in the mines of this city. Therefore, it can be said that the products of the Garmsar salt factory have a high variety.

As mentioned, various products can be found in the Garmsar salt factory, two of the most important of which are orange and pink rock salt, which we will introduce below.

  • Orange rock salt: The presence of a lot of iron in this type of rock salt has changed its color to orange. This type of rock salt can be used to cook food and benefit from its properties for health.
  • Pink rock salt: In this type of rock salt, there are 84 types of essential elements of the body, the most important of which is iron. Therefore, the use of this type of rock salt is useful for ensuring the health of the body.

export salt to iraq

Wholesale of Iran pink salt

Pink rock salt is one of the rare salts in the world, but fortunately this type of rock salt can be found in the mines of Iran and in the city of Garmsar. Therefore, after extracting and processing this type of rock salt with different machines, Garmsar Salt Factory sells it in bulk.

Wholesale sales directly from the factory will be very affordable for buyers. Buyers of this type of rock salt use it in various sectors, including the production of decorative rock salt.

export salt to iraq

Export of edible salt to Iraq

Garmsar Salt Factory, in addition to being active in the domestic sector and supplying salt used in various sectors inside Iran, has also been successful in the field of export. Iraq is one of the countries to which exports are seen in various sectors.

Source: Export refined salt to Iraq

export salt to iraq

One of these sectors is the export of salt from the Garmsar salt factory. All kinds of salt, especially table salt, are exported from this factory to Iraq, which has been able to earn good currency for Iran.

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