edible rock salt

wholesale industrial and edible rock salt for edible rock salt purity 99.5 %, orange rock salt, red rock salt, persian blue salt and rock salt for livestock.

What is industrial rock salt?

Salt, like all other minerals on Earth or below the Earth, is abundant in nature and moves the course of our human lives.

In general, salt is a major source of food for the human and livestock supply chain, and its absence will cause many problems.

But we should know that just as any natural substance has different categories, salt rock has many categories and types, generally referred to as salt rock.

wholesale rock salt

All rock salts are either the result of the drying up of lakes millions of years ago or the result of volcanic eruptions and minerals accumulation within the Earth, and the difference between the type of creation and the origin of the resulting rock salt quality is different. .

The type of salt to be used determines the preparation and extraction process and its classification, for example, animal feed salt, human feed salt, and food industry salt.

wholesale rock salt

Some of them may contain some impurities , but for human consumption or for use in some industries, rock salt should not contain any impurities.

According to the above definitions, if we are to declare in short the term industrial rock salt, it should be said that industrial rock salt is called rock salt that the amount of impurity in the rock salt is not so important for that field and it is called industrial rock salt.

But with the advancement of science and the more accurate use of materials in industry, today it is no longer possible to define an industrial rock salt in general because some industries, such as industrial resin recycling, the percentage of pure rock salt should be To the maximum extent, precisely the rock salt should be used for human consumption.

wholesale rock salt

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With this one example, you should realize that the importance of choosing salt rock is very crucial, depending on the type of use and the industry you are looking for, and can make or break a project.

wholesale rock salt

type of rock salt for livestock

As mentioned in the previous section, rock salts are grouped by type of consumption and are one of the most widely used branches of rock salt in poultry and livestock.

rock salt consumption in cattle is very high because cattle and sheep and all livestock need salt and rock salt to survive.

But the interesting thing about the animal husbandry industry in Iran and elsewhere in the world is how salt is used.

Outside the Iranian borders, most of the rock salt is cut and used in a regular and specific form, but in Iran the salt is used in the same natural form as the main reason for the differences in the price of these products.


cutted rock salt are sometimes up to 10 times more expensive than natural rock salt which farmers prefer to buy at a lower cost.
It should be noted, however, that both types of cut and conventional are no different in mineral content and purity, and only differ in their shape and form.

Here are introduce some of the different types of animal rock salts used in Iran and other parts of the world.

Black rock salt: It is a natural rock salt and has natural form and has the cheapest price among all types of rock salt and consumes in the domestic market, although one or two foreign countries are sometimes also requesting it.

wholesale rock salt

White rock salt with black tone: White rock salt with black tone very well for animal feed and on the other hand it has a very good export market as it has a purity of about 96%.

wholesale rock salt

White rock salt high quality: White rock Salt high quality has the highest quality of all the rock salts for livestock and in addition to being widely consumed domestically, it has many overseas buyers.

wholesale rock salt

Cubic rock salt: cutted rock salt is a premium grade rock salt and is not used for domestic market because it is not cost effective for Dairy owners but it is very sutible for foreign and export customers.

wholesale rock salt



Formated salt: 

formed salt is of the highest purity among all kinds of animal salt and is in fact edible salt for human consumption which has become molded.

This salt only buys in the export market, and countries such as Russia and the UAE are the main buyers of this type of salt.

wholesale rock salt

Is rock salt edible?

In general there are two main types of human salt supply centers, one sea salt and the other a mineral salt, except that there are no natural salt sources around the world.

Now the question is can mineral rock salt be used as edible salt?

This question can be answered in two ways:

  1. From the Ministry of Health’s point of view
  2. From the perspective of traditional medicine

From the Ministry of Health’s point of view, no rock salt should be consumed because it contains heavy metals and only the refined salt should be used.


Traditional medicine professors have also emphasized that rock salt has always been used to provide needed salt, and humans have been using it for more than a few thousand years, and life has never been cut off.

From the expert point of view both opinions are correct and one cannot be rejected and the other rejected, but it should be said that not every rock salt is edible for humans but there is a kind of rock salt that is unique all over the world and its purity from salt Refined also higher.

Sell rare edible rock salt

In the previous section you read that there is some kind of edible rock salt that is very pure and has a lot of export applicants.

The purity of this salt is 99.5%, which is quite unique throughout the world and you can be order through the Halito rock salt company.

wholesale rock salt

Buy colored rock salt

rock salt has different colors as it has different qualities, and red, orange, and blue salts are the most popular types of colored rock salts.

Colored salts in orange and red are generally known as Himalayan salts, but there are also colored salt mines in Iran, though not as abundant as Pakistan.

wholesale rock salt

On the other hand, these salts have different grades and if you are not an expert you will definitely be mistaken.

Blue Salt is also one of the very rare salts in Iran that its export market is very hot.

In Europe’s most famous restaurants, Iranian blue salt is used as a snack and dessert along with other foods, and if it is not served in a restaurant, it is not considered a specialty.

Due to the scarcity of blue salt rock it is always very expensive and the last point is that it is extremely difficult to supply Garmsar’ blue salt.

Production of rock salt lamp

In addition to exporting various types of colored rock salt and white rock salt, Halito company also produces rock salt lamp.

The collection produces and offers the most beautiful and varied models of ornamental salt because of its easy access to all kinds of rock salt and having professional cutting machines along with highly skilled craftsmen.

You see a corner of Hallito’s company products of Craftsmen Visit this page to see all products.

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Wholesale rock salt

If you also want to buy bulk rock salt Halito company offers you the highest quality rock salt along with the lowest rates.

wholesale rock salt

We ship all kinds of salt rock with best quality, fastest time and lowest price.

Source: Halito rock salt company

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