Export rock salt to Iraq from Iran, iran rock salt exporter, iran rock salt supplier, wholesale rock salt, edible salt with iodine 60 ppm.
Special export of salt rock to Iraq, red and orange rock salt, high quality white salt rock with 99.5% purity, possibility of delivery in jumbo bag and 50 kg bag.
Rock salt is one of the most common minerals used by humans that has many applications in both food and technical industries.
Follow us to provide you with more and more useful information about its types as well as the export of salt to Iraq.
Introducing different types of rock salt
Rock salt is obtained from the crystallization and hardening of dill ions and chlorine and has a very salty taste.
Many people think that there is only one type of rock salt, while rock salt has a great variety in terms of color.
In the following, we will introduce salt rock;
- White rock salt: This type of rock rock is actually the most common salt used, especially in the food industry, which has a dull white color and can be used both in powder form and in crystal.
- Black rock salt: This type of rock rock has a formula similar to other salts, with the difference that the presence or addition of carbon to it has caused it to change color and become a type of black salt.
- Orange rock salt: This type of salt has turned orange due to the presence of high amounts of sodium and iron, and it can be used in industries related to ion balancing devices.
- Red salt rock: The presence of the element lithium in it, causes red color in this type of salt and due to the fact that this type of crystal has a special luster, it is used for cutting and making decorative items.
- Blue salt rock: The reason for the blue color of this type of salt is the element potassium, which is very useful for calming the nerves.
Export rock salt to Iraq
Salt rock has received a lot of attention due to its high diversity and especially due to its unique and beautiful colors, and these days, in addition to being used in food, it has also found various other uses.
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Purchase edible rock salt for export to Iraq and India
Halito rock salt group is one of the top centers of production and supply of this product in the country, which has exported and sold it wholesale and special to western countries such as Iraq, and due to the high quality of products, its order has increased.
Dear applicants can contact the sales manager of the collection to buy bulk types of rock salt.
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